Friday, April 2, 2010

D&C 136 and the Exodus Story: Parallels

D&C 136 is revelation given to Brigham Young at Winter Quarters during the pioneer trek west on January 14, 1847. The journey for these first Mormon pioneers was seen by Latter-Day Saints as a parallel to the Exodus for the Children of Israel from Egypt. It was a trying time for the Saints, since difficulties on the road had prevented them from making it to their desired destination before winter. As a result, the Saints set up camp here for the long winter of 1846-47.

There are some interesting similarities between this trek West, as emphasized in D&C 136, and the escape of the children of Israel from Egypt.

1) Covenants and Statutes
The Lord promises the Saints in verses 2 and 11 that if they keep His covenants and commandments on the trek, they will be blessed: "you shall be blessed in your fields, and in your herds, and in your fields, and in your houses, and in your families." There are many parallels to this word usage in Exodus and in Deuteronomy (esp. Deut. 1:15), where we learn that the Children of Israel receive similar promises.

2) Companies and Captains
In verse 3, we learn that the pioneer trek will be led by captains and sub-captains. This organization is similar to the children of Israel, who were organized into camps (Exodus 18:21). Specifically, the Latter-Day Saint groups were divided into "captains of fifties, and captains of tens." This essentially mirrors the Old Testament. The only element missing from Latter-Day Saint organization is division into the 12 tribes, although that is paralleled by the leadership of the church: the 12 Apostles, who led various companies, "(with) the president and two counselors at their head."

3) The Lord's People
The Lord tells the Saints in verse 1 and also in verse 22 that He is the God of ancient Israel, and that He is also the God of the pioneers. The Saints are referred to as the "Camp of Israel." He tells the Saints not to fear their enemies in verse 30, because he will make sure that His people are preserved. He also lets them know that, just as the ancient prophets received revelation at His hand, so too do His modern leaders fill that role.

4) The Promised Land
The Children of Israel were going to travel to a land of milk and honey. The Saints were also headed toward a land of metaphorical milk and honey, where they could live their religion freely and without fear of persecution.

I know that the pioneers of the 19th century were under the Lord's care in the Latter-Days, and that they, like the Children of Israel, were able to prosper as they were righteous and willing to do what the Lord would have them do.